Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Index numbers and base year weights

 Crafts and Harley have a neat guide to some index number problems.

1. they imagine an economy with 

Year o: 10 bricks at 1 (io% of current value added) 

5 cakes at i 8 (90%) 

Year 2: 20 bricks at 2 (20%) 40 cakes at 4 (8o%)

2. what is growth in this economy?

3. the issue is this

a. we have physically more bricks and more cake.  you can see this with the Quantity ratios, 20/10= 2 and 40/5 = 8

b. but the relative prices of each have changed, such that shares in value added has changed.

4. weighting by the year 0 value added shares (2.7% and 97.3%), we have growth of 7.4.

5. weighting by the year 1 value added shares (50% and 50%), we have growth of 0.2. 

the former is a Laspeyres, the lattter a Paasche.  The Laspeyers is faster.